April Clubnight report

This meeting was chaired by Julian.

Trip Reports
McKenzie basin Trip was cancelled
Instead of the Dingleburn trip the club walked in the Ahuriri valley Freehold creek.
Mt Obi 10 people on this trip including 3 from Dunedin From the Pig Route they walked up Pig route creek on to a 4wd track. 7 people made it to the top.Nice weather.
Up and coming trips 
21st April Herbert Forest Open Day Planning well underway.Advertising is happening and jobs assigned.Hoping for good weather.
Snowy Gorge Hut Cross the Ahuriri river and on to hut.If the river is high an alternate tramp to Top Timaru hut could be on.
Staircase Ridge A good workout in the Waianankarua area.
Our guest speaker was Nick Shearer who talked about his trip to Italy and other countries with his wife and their friend.In August 2023 they headed to the Dolomites and Nick and his friend climbed the Via Ferrata(Iron Way) This is in the Northern Dolomites and in the mountains are ladders,cables,and even tunnels that were used during the war to help Italians evade the Austrians.The Dolomites are limestone with lots of verticle cliffs and being clipped on to the iron structures makes it possible to scale these.The three of them also did a trek starting from Cortina near the Austrian border.The accomodation was excellent and there were chair lifts up thousands of feet .
Nick and his wife also visited Ireland and climbed Crough Patrick the highest peak. They also spent time in Wales ,France,Slovenia and England.Nick had some lovely photos with amazing views. Their 2mth trip sounded great catching up with friends and lots of new experiences.
Meeting closed at 8.40pm followed by a cup of tea.