‘Love Our Huts’ Campaign December 5-7th 2024

NOTMC volunteered to check out huts up the Hopkins Valley while participating in the FMC November ‘Love Our Huts’ campaign. Our aim was to reach the Elcho and Cullers huts and Dasler biv, but with high river levels we only managed to reach Monument and Elcho huts.

With a fine weather window on Thursday 5th, 3 of us left Oamaru at 1pm. The road to Monument hut has been undercut by the river in places and with other wash outs driving was slow. We finally parked 2 km away from Monument hut. This meant a late start at 5pm, but with 5 hours of light left on a clear evening we hoped to reach Elcho before dark.

However, with the Hopkins River running high and swift, we needed to take all the high-water tracks through the bush. Making slow progress, by 10pm we faced an impenetrable wall of tree fall and dense undergrowth of beech saplings. With no sign of orange markers and no way through in the dark, we decided it best to sleep out in the bush under the stars. The beech leaves made a soft and spongy bed, so we pulled on hats and jackets and snuggled into sleeping bags. At first light we pushed, climbed and bashed our way through the bush before heading on to Elcho hut for breakfast.

Elcho hut is well maintained by NZ Alpine Club, but it was still satisfying to scrub benches and clean windows of sandflies (using the blue bucket that Karyl carried in), sweep under bunks, and weed around the hut. It is a unique hut with a great sense of history and retains a traditional feel.

Meanwhile, Mark and Nicky were following us up the valley on Friday, with Mark driving all the way to Monument hut in his Toyota Hilux. After walking part way up to Elcho and back, they settled into Monument Hut for the night, then next day cleared the track, stacked dry firewood, and polished up the hut.

Early Saturday the three of us at Elcho, being advised by a friendly hunter that it would be safe to take the lower river route now, set off back down the valley. Passing beech forest ablaze with flowering mistletoe is a highlight in December, and we marvelled at the abundance of crimson flowers billowing above us.

The Huxley River was still running high, so after checking for possible crossings, we opted on the side of caution and detoured into the bush to cross the swing bridge. As we headed briskly to Monument Hut over the river flats, Mark suddenly appeared to announce that hot sausages were sizzling in the pan for us at the hut. And, even more welcome, a ride back to Colin’s car was waiting for us!

We can report that Monument and Elcho huts are looking clean, tidy and well loved. Our hunter friend also reported that Cullers hut has been painted and is in good condition. Thanks to a great team of Colin, Karyl, Mark and Nicky for joining in and supporting ‘Love our Huts.’

Jenny Kitchin